Activity: I played the "Test you personality" game.
My five words;
• The music is cranked up - Musiken är höjd till max.
• Everyone’s munching snacks- Alla mumsar på snacks.
• What is your best pickup line? - Vad är din bästa raggningsreplik?
• Jonas starts pointing on Maria- Jonas pekar på Maria
• You've just inherited a million crowns!- Du har ärvt en million.
I got:
The Social Butterfly!
For you, a party happens each time you laugh, or each time you get other people to laugh! You like to tell funny stories and you have lots of friends that you meet, in school, after school, and of course whenever there's a party. Sometimes you get stressed just thinking of all the fun things there are to do! Take the time out to relax once in a while by renting a movie at home with your favorite cutie.
Activity: I did the lyricstraining to the song called ”All about that bass” by Meghan Trainor.
treble- diskant
junk- skräp
inch - tun
silicone- silikon
resist- motstå/stå emot
Homework: I played Big words.
My five words;
Comb- kam
Razor- rakapparat
Innocences- oskuldsfullhet
Wobbly- osäker
Mediator- medlare